Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention
For the 2021/2022 school year, students and staff are in the classroom full time with updated health and safety measures.
​Last updated: December 31, 2021
On this page:
Our plan for the 2021/2022 school year
Health and safety measures
COVID-19 protocols
In and outside the classroom
Our plan for the 2021/2022 school year
All students and staff should:
Get vaccinated whenever possible.
Check your health before leaving home each day.
Stay home when sick
Online programs remain available to students when sick
Health and safety measures
Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect everyone against COVID-19.
Safety measures are also in place to protect students and staff and reduce the spread of COVID-19. These include effective personal practices like wearing masks, daily health checks, staying home when sick and and regular hand washing.
All students, staff and visitors are required to wear masks in all indoor areas, including:
At desks
On school buses
Exceptions to the mask policy include:
A person who cannot tolerate wearing a mask for health or behavioural reasons
A person unable to put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person
If the mask is removed temporarily to engage in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask. For example:
Outdoor activities
If a person is eating, drinking and napping.
Daily health checks
All students and staff must monitor their daily health. If you feel unwell, stay at home.
Parents and caregivers are responsible for assessing their children daily before sending them to school.
School administrators will ensure staff and other adults know they are responsible for assessing themselves daily for symptoms prior to entering the school.
Keeping your distance
Schools must continue to create space between people:
Use all available space to spread people out
For example, use different common space, classroom and learning environment configurations
Avoid face-to-face seating arrangements where possible
Implement strategies to prevent crowding during class transition times, for example:
Manage the flow of people in common areas, including stairways to minimize crowding and allow people to pass through easily
Stagger start/stop times for recess, lunch or class transition
Prevent crowding at pick-up and drop-off times
Take students outside as much as possible
Regular inspection and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems
Cleaning and disinfecting schools
General cleaning of schools, cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces will be conducted at least once in every 24-hour period and when visibly dirty.
COVID-19 protocols
If a member of school staff or a child has symptoms matching those of COVID-19, the school will ask them to get a test, and return home and self-isolate while awaiting the outcome of that test.
For students with COVID-19 symptoms, the school will isolate the student as quickly as possible on the school site, then contact a parent or carer to ask them to collect the student immediately.
Isolation and supervision
If a child, or staff member at school is showing symptoms of COVID-19 and cannot travel home immediately, the school will isolate them in a suitable area at the school, with supervision as appropriate.
Staff protection and hygiene
If a student cannot remain alone in an isolation area while waiting to be collected, the staff member looking after them will wear personal protective equipment, in accordance with the health department guidance, while supporting the student.
The school will take all appropriate actions to respond to the suspected case. This includes record-keeping and reminding the school community about good COVID Safe practices such as hand hygiene and monitoring for symptoms.
Management of a COVID-19 case
In and outside the classroom
School Tour Dates 2021-2022
Our campus tours have been temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 crisis, but we have a great video where you can experience our inspiring learning spaces and all the exciting activity and growth that happens on campus.
For your convenience, we are now offering video consultations through Zoom/WhatsApp/KakaoTalk. Consultations are by appointment, please request your preferred schedule by complete this form below and send to
Preferred date and time of the video consultation:
Child's name:
Parent's name:
Contact number:
physical education programs
Masks aren't required when doing activities that cannot be performed while wearing a mask, like participating in high-intensity physical activity.
School meal programs
Food services will operate normally in the 2021/2022 school year.
Playgrounds are a safe environment. There is no evidence of COVID-19 transmission in playgrounds. The following measures should be taken when using playgrounds:
Ensure students wash their hands before and after outdoor play
Minimize direct contact between students